IRIS Parentmail
As you know, we have partnered with IRIS ParentMail to offer you the option of making payments online. With the use of this secure website and app, you will be able to pay for items such as dinner money and school trips from the comfort of your own home.
One of the key benefits of using IRIS ParentMail is the ease and flexibility it provides. You will be able to make payments whenever you like, 24/7, saving you the hassle of having to come into the school office. You can make payments using your credit/debit card, giving you a range of options to choose from.
An important aspect of IRIS ParentMail is the security and peace of mind it offers. Rest assured that your payment will reach the school safely, and you will receive full payment histories, balance alerts, and statements securely online at any time. This
transparency will enable you to easily keep track of your payments and stay up to date with your account.
With IRIS ParentMail as our preferred method of receiving payments, we are confident that this system will enhance the convenience and efficiency for both the school and our parents. We encourage all parents to take advantage of this
convenient payment option and get started with IRIS ParentMail. If you need any help with your IRIS ParentMail account, please contact the school office 0151 288 6206