Curriculum Intent Statement
Holy Rosary Curriculum Intent:
Our ambition is to inspire, in every Holy Rosary child, an intellectual curiosity about the world. We strive to equip them with the cultural capital necessary to fulfil their own potential in life, and to make a positive contribution to society, both now and in the future.
We recognise that pupils learn best when they feel happy, safe and secure. We are extremely proud of our supportive, nurturing school environment where shared values and positive relationships underpin a fully well-rounded education. Our carefully designed curriculum sparks pupils’ curiosity and enthusiasm - delivering a broad and rich programme of study, activities, events and first-hand learning experiences through which children can explore the world around them.
We are committed to achieving academic excellence in all areas of the curriculum. By maintaining high expectations of ourselves and each other, our children will be better equipped to encounter opportunities and challenges with resilience and determination.
The key aims of our curriculum are:
To help all our children develop a relationship with God; to understand and grow in their faith, building firm spiritual foundations for life
To provide an ambitious, coherently-planned curriculum, designed to give all learners the knowledge, skills, understanding and cultural capital they need for future learning and to succeed
To deliver high quality teaching of powerful knowledge, alongside robust assessment, so pupils know more and remember more
To adapt teaching and learning, employing a range of pedagogical strategies, so all pupils can access the curriculum as well as the wider life of the school, and fulfil their potential academically, creatively, spiritually, socially and physically
To ensure our curriculum promotes respect for all irrespective of race, religion or gender. We will be mindful that resources do not use stereo-typical images, rather that we present children with role models from a range of backgrounds and cultures reflecting the diverse nature of our society
To promote self-belief; that our pupils develop confidence, resilience and independence, enabling them to grow into successful, informed and responsible citizens, able to communicate effectively, articulate their ideas and challenge inequality and injustice
To provide opportunities for meaningful enrichment experiences across the curriculum to strengthen and deepen learning
To foster in our children a love of learning by making it fun and to model that learning is a life-long process
To fulfil all the requirements of the National Curriculum, embedding secure basic skills and enhancing creative and academic knowledge. By making links and promoting real contexts for learning- making it real and relevant- we aim to encourage an excitement in children to extend their knowledge and understanding of the world around them, where they may be ambitious for themselves.
The breadth of our curriculum allows for pupils to learn through a range of strategies underpinned by metacognitive principles. Through this approach, of encouraging pupils to develop sound awareness of their own learning, our ambition is that all children, irrespective of potential barriers to learning, will make progress and know success.
The range of experiences we offer support and champion our ethos and aims, ensuring that our pupils benefit from a full range of academic, spiritual, moral, social and cultural activities. These activities enrich their lives and those of our whole school community, making them proud of their British values (democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs) and the diverse society to which they belong and play an active part.
Learning is made more meaningful to children by highlighting relevant links both within and across subjects, building on prior knowledge while continually developing procedural knowledge and skills.
Curriculum leaders plan each subject to ensure units of work are appropriately sequenced with clear progression within each unit and in the long-term across EYFS, key stage 1 and key stage 2. Lessons are delivered in the manner best suited to the curriculum content and key knowledge is identified and made explicit. Schemes of work are adapted by teachers and made bespoke to Holy Rosary, to identify opportunities for enrichment, diversity and enhanced provision within the context of our school. Each subject area has a curriculum intent, an annual action plan and links, where appropriate, to the school development plan. Opportunities to adapt curriculum content to meet the needs of all learners are identified by subject leaders in collaboration with class teachers. Resources are of a good quality and are regularly audited to ensure delivery of each subject is effective. Creativity and teacher expertise is woven into the curriculum offer with specialist teachers and outside agencies working alongside pupils and teachers, sharing good practice and ensuring that learners learn from the best.
It is important that all our pupils, regardless of abilities, have access to a full curriculum. We are committed to engaging all our pupils with opportunities to experience the arts, sports, performance, music and as such, offer an extensive extra curricula timetable. We place high priority on ensuring children’s physical and mental well-being needs are met. We understand that children will not be successful learners unless they are emotionally secure, therefore we carefully design our curriculum and adopt a flexible approach to timetabling to ensure that we can meet and respond to any issues which may arise. Children’s physical and mental wellbeing are as valued and important as academic development.
Gospel values are embedded in our rich, broad and balanced curriculum. We provide a curriculum which is fun, challenging, dynamic and relevant to our children. It is our core belief that every child should feel valued and experience the feeling of success in a range of subject areas. We believe that through our curriculum, we can positively impact on our pupils’ feelings of self worth and self belief. This way, our pupils can feel more confident and ready to tackle any challenge they may face, encouraging them to aim high and work towards their goals and dreams in life. In order to achieve this we work together with parents, partners, the parish and wider community.
The impact of our curriculum is regularly reviewed by senior leaders including the SENDco and subject leaders who critically monitor our provision with rigorous scrutiny. Monitoring is conducted through a range of approaches to best appraise the education we provide for our pupils. Information and feedback is gathered through the following methods:
Pupil voice
Test/data outcomes
Scrutiny of work/’book looks’
Learning walks and wall displays
Lesson observations
Teacher feedback and discussions with all staff
Parent meetings
Progress review meetings
Staff meetings/ Moderation meetings
Leaders act on the observations and feedback and changes are made where necessary to subject planning and implementation or to the School Improvement Plan. Our curriculum design is an ever-evolving journey and we are continuously seeking ways to improve.
Our current Holy Rosary curriculum priorities:
Continue to develop and implement an ambitious and relevant curriculum with a focus this particular year on:
RE - Further develop the Catholic life of our school.
Maths - Improving pupil achievements, attitudes, participation and experience in maths.
Writing - Improve progress in writing across the school.
Reading - Ensure pupils continue to achieve well in reading and develop a love of reading.
Computing - To improve teaching and learning in computing.
Humanities - To enhance the subject knowledge of all teachers in Humanities.
Art - To roll out a new, improved art curriculum that improve the needs of our school.
Homework - To ensure that homework is purposeful and meets the high expectations of the curriclum.
External partners working alongside us:
S. Martin - Maths consultant
D. Barkley - Humanities
H. Cook - Knowsley Music Service
P. Woodward - PE Specialist
H. Beenham - Maricourt PE
P. Rafferty - Computing Specialist
G. Stavers - Dance Specialist
G. - Mother Dough, D&T Specialist
HSBC - Financial Capability Programme
A. Corrin - Benchmark North
P. Chapman - Speech and Language Specialist
M. Dutton - Dyslexia Specialist
These external partners enhance the excellent practice that already takes place at Holy Rosary including specialists that we have on our school staff:
S. King - Phonics & Literacy Specialist North West English Hub
A. Casey - Lead KS2 Writing Moderator for Local Authority
J. Stanley - SCITT English Expert Practitioner
L. Davies - SCITT Science Expert Practitioner
C. Spalenice - ECT / ECM Facilitator, Rainbow Hub
A. Casey - ECT / ECM Facilitator, Rainbow Hub
P. McGowan - Educate Award Support Star of the Year 2023 (Recognised for Pastoral Care)