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Mission Statement

”Together as a family, we love, learn and grow in the presence of God"


To be a Christian community, living the Gospel values and fostering the spiritual, moral, personal and social development of all pupils.

We will do this by:-

  • Thorough planning for the delivery of ‘Come and See’
  • Providing opportunities for meaningful collective worship, making use of reflection and having a prayer focus in each classroom
  • Undertaking celebrations in school/church, which reflect the church year
  • Providing a caring, sharing environment where staff lead by example in relationships and mutual respect
  • Implementing a PHSE policy
  • Providing training for lunchtime supervisors
  • Involving all in mission statement reviews
  • Providing "Rainbows for all God’s children" sessions for all those in need
  • Ensuring anti-bullying, equal opportunities and behaviour policies are implemented and understood by all

To provide a broad and balanced curriculum which promotes high academic achievement and opportunities for pupils to develop as independent learners.

We will do this by:-

  • Providing children with opportunities to have fun and enjoy their learning
  • Taking account of different learning styles
  • Weekly planning which shows differentiated and well suited tasks
  • Employing skilled and dedicated personnel and giving them opportunities for CPD
  • Having systems of assessment, monitoring and review to inform future planning
  • Valuing and rewarding individual and team achievements
  • Providing positive, consistent feedback with constructive comments for future targets
  • Using a system to track pupil’s progress year on year, and using this information to improve performance
  • Offering equal access to all activities without bias
  • Offering opportunities for children to experience a range of ECA, trips and outside speakers
  • Involving children in their own assessment/learning and evaluation processes
  • Listening to the pupil/parent voice
  • Developing creativity and promoting curiosity
  • Providing active learning experiences and encouraging children to have a go
  • Developing skills that will promote life long learning

To promote good communication and trust between church home and the wider community.

We will do this by:-

  • Providing a welcoming, consistent, open door policy
  • Encouraging parents and interested members of the community to become involved in the work of the school
  • Holding information sessions for parents
  • Providing information on pupil progress through annual reports and parents’ evenings
  • Supporting charitable endeavours
  • Promoting local community clubs
  • Working with local church groups on community celebrations
  • Supporting the parish priest and parishioners in sacramental programmes and other work of the parish
  • Holding liturgical celebrations in church
  • Working with Maricourt and other feeder schools for the benefit of all the children in the community
  • Supporting and encouraging the "Friends of Holy Rosary"

To provide a safe, secure, healthy, stimulating environment in which pupils feel valued.

We will do this by:-

  • Providing well maintained and attractive buildings
  • Ensuring health and safety procedures are understood and implemented by all
  • Encouraging and reinforcing the need for pupils to have respect for property, resources and equipment and for the content and fabric of the building. This includes pupils' own property
  • Establish an effective behaviour policy, with pupil input, based on rules, rewards and consequences
  • Having a whole school approach to classroom routine
  • Encouraging children to have the confidence to ask questions, raise issues and to feel their contributions are valued
  • All staff and pupils showing respect, approachability and courtesy towards one another in their day to day relationships
  • Valuing children’s work by celebrating it in many different ways