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INF6 - Visit to Laurels Wood

This event will take place between 9:30am and 3:15pm on 07/05/2024

Dear Parents


We have arranged an educational trip for the children in INF 6 to visit Laurels Wood in Formby on Tuesday 7th May 2024.  They will be leaving school at approximately 9.30 am and will be back before 3.15 pm.  The children should wear their own clothes, waterproofs, and old clothing that they don’t mind getting dirty and smelly. Layering clothes is a good idea, to prevent children from getting cold and uncomfortable. A base layer, a jumper or fleece, and then waterproofs.  As they will be outside all day, depending on the weather, they may need either a sun hat/ all day sun cream or a hat, gloves, scarfs etc. Sturdy footwear is essential, e.g. wellies, walking boots or old trainers (NO sandals or open toe shoes).

The theme for the day is Bushcraft! Which will include a variety of activities, such as: games, problem-solving activities, learning how to light a fire safely, learning how to construct an effective natural shelter, tool work and environmental awareness.  These activities are all led by a qualified instructor and have been fully risk assessed.

Please look at for more information.

All children will need a packed lunch, in a named disposable bag – no bottles please. As your child is entitled to Universal Free School Meals, a packed lunch can be provided. Please let the office know – no later than Friday 3rd May 2024. 

On this occasion there will be no cost to you as the trip will be paid for out of the school budget.   If a charge was made, the cost per child would be £18.33.

Please can you complete the permission form by no later than Friday 3rd May 2024, this can be found on the Parentmail App - under 'Forms'

Thank you.

MRS M Stevenson